Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Field Op #11

To start doing the Field Op 11, go to the EPF command room and click on the yellow Field Ops screen.
Then a you will see a brief description of your mission.
You have to shut down a speaker that has been rigged to cause damage. The speaker is in the lighthouse. So go to the lighthouse, then go to the bottom-left corner where the speaker is there.
Your spy phone will turn green, then click on it.
You have to complete a mini-game. You just have to match some symbols, it's easy.
Now you have completed the 12th Field Op! You will get a medal as a reward. Members can buy some EPF gear buy clicking on the 'Elite Gear' button. But wait, there's some new gear! Check it out:

Now there are two tabs, Agent and Tactical. The tactical ones are the new gear. Cool stuff!



Lopakoy said...

Hey lily, I use crop in paint. Which software do you use?

Shawn Lily said...

Adobe Professional CS4 Version 2.0. It costs a couple hundred dollars. (american money) Yea, it took a while to get my flippers on it. Though, I use paint too, but only for simple editing stuff!


Lopakoy said...

That's awesome! I'm trying to find some other softwares too..